Master millers since 1955

We were established in Marmilla,
the Ancient land of wheat

Which is why we created

the alma® Method

The Double Hulling process for a Purer Grain

How do you recognise a quality pasta?


We only grind Fresh Grain instead of using the leftovers from previous harvests


Thanks to Double Hulling, we only grind the Soul of the grains of wheat, the purest and most flavourful part of them.

This is how our pasta is born.
this is how

Where the
Alma® Method
is born

Watch the spot

New lines available from

Il Patto con la nostra terra

Dal 2018 ci impegnamo ad aumentare la produzione del grano duro in sardegna 

Con l’obiettivo di:

Aumentare la superficie destinata al nostro grano

Migliorare la ricerca e lo sviluppo del prodotto

Garantire un prezzo minimo tutelando gli agricoltori

The pact with
our land

Since 2018 we have committed to increasing durum wheat production in Sardinia


Aiming to:

  • Increase the area devoted to our grain
  • Improve research and product development
  • Guarantee a minimum price while protecting farmers

Aumentare la superficie destinata al nostro grano

Migliorare la ricerca e lo sviluppo del prodotto

Garantire un prezzo minimo tutelando gli agricoltori

Do you know our real story?

Perhaps we have never told it to you thoroughly.
It goes back three generations.

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  • discover how the 100% Sardinian durum wheat supply chain, ercole punto zero, is growing

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