Our pasta originates from the wisdom of Marmilla, the Ancient Granary of Italy.
Where centuries of history have handed down the skilful art of processing the
That is why we were able to create the Alma® Double Hulling Method, for a purer grain.
The first traces of wheat processing date back to the Neolithic, as evidenced by findings of charred seeds in the nuraghi of Marmilla
In this era, the Punic people [Carthaginians] and Phoenicians landed in Sardinia. They will take possession of the territorial strip that from Santa Giusta (seat of the mill and of the F.lli Cellino pasta factory) extends to the Cagliari area, embracing in particular the fertile area of Marmilla.
The increased production of wheat and the expert workmanship attract Roman settlers to the island. This is why Sardinia is renamed the Granary of Italy
Sanluri is renowned for the quality of its wheat and the art of processing it which gives life to the most famous bread in Sardinia: the Civraxiu. The etymology of Sanluri’s name would confirm its vocation in cultivating wheat. In fact, it derives from Sellori, in Sardinian “Su Logu de su Lori”, Place of wheat.
Sardinia recovers its reputation as the land of wheat. Thanks to the increasing mechanical innovation, the yield per hectare doubles and often triples.
F.lli Cellino starts the Ercole Punto Zero chain.
The aim is to increase and add value to local wheat production
thanks to seed selection techniques and constant checks
throughout the production process to support
Sardinian farmers
Perhaps we never told you our story thoroughly enough.
It goes back three generations.
It all starts in 1955
Ercole Cellino arrives in Sanluri, a town famous for wheat and
bread. It is here that he learns the techniques of processing the grains of which he became an important trader, first in Sardinia and then also exporting abroad.
These were the years in which Ercole researched and studied Sardinian grains and
local cultivation, forging with farmers on the island agreements and links that enable him to make the markets aware of fine Sardinian wheat
The first mill
Ercole Cellino built the first mill in Sanluri and used it to experiment with grinding techniques. He subsequently acquires two other mills, one in Cagliari and the other in Sassari.
The mill in Santa Giusta
The production capacity of the three mills is unified in the large Santa Giusta (Oristano) mill in Boca di Porto. A perfect place to develop the next stages of the wheat supply chain.
The second generation
At the side of their father in his dream of promoting Sardinian wheat in the world, Ercola was succeeded by his children Alberto, Lucina and Giorgio, who still lead the company.
The master miller
At the head of the mill was Giacomo Viscanti, an experienced miller who will start developing the Alma® Method. Over the years, Giacomo will work closely with Bühler, the most important worldwide company of durum wheat processing machinery. Together they will develop several tests of new technologies for the milling of wheat.
The pasta factory complements the mill
Ercole’s second dream becomes reality thanks to the work of Alberto and Lucina. The pasta factory is built next to the mill.
Rusks are born
After flour, semolina and pasta, F.lli Cellino makes rusks, thus becoming one of the first Italian companies to follow the entire durum and common wheat supply chain.
Sardinian wheat mission
Ercole Punto Zero is born, the first 100% Sardinian supply chain that involves around 300 local farmers. It aims to make Sardinian wheat strong and prestigious by researching, selecting and monitoring the most suitable varieties for the soils of the island, increasing the quantity produced and its prestige.
The third generation
Michela Francesca and Matteo Alberto, grandchildren of Ercole, who continue the mission of handing down the art of milling of Marmilla, enter the company.
A new mill
In 2023, to crown the testing and development of the Alma Method, the mill is completely renovated with the most important and modern machinery. The result of decades of collaboration with the world’s leading supplier, the Bühler company.
The tradition of Marmilla today is cherished and carried on not only by the F.lli Cellino family, but also by the more than 300 people who every day take care of the entire production.
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