To safeguard Sardinian cereal farming
To support the regional economy
To help young people build new opportunities
To protect farmers, guaranteeing a minimum price and goal-based premiums
To increase the area cultivated with durum wheat in Sardinia in order to shine a highlight on the territory and reduce imports
To make use of the most advanced technologies applied to agriculture
The search for the ideal seed for the supply chain has led to an increase in quality, productivity and adaptability thanks to the study made of the island’s soil and to the most suitable variety of durum wheat.
Preparation of the seed bed according to good practice and the customs of each individual cultivation environment
Study of the crop that preceded the sowing of durum wheat and fertilisation plan based on expected grain yields
Crop protection follows weed, fungal pest and insect control
Harvesting takes place when the moisture content of the grain (the mass of the grain separated from the straw after the threshing) is 12% or less.
Since 2023 we have purchased a combine harvester
and put it at the service of all the farmers who could not afford one to favour the harvest.
The raw material is then stored in a sanitised environment, isolated from pests and external contamination and then delivered to the pasta factory.
The proximity of the mill and pasta factory makes it possible to reduce contamination. Thanks to a pneumatic tube in fact, the semolina passes from the mill silo to the pasta factory without bagging and without contact with the outside world that would compromise its purity.
The grain is processed according to our Alma ® Method with Diamond-Hard Stone and Double Hulling to preserve the nutrients and enhance the flavour of the wheat’s soul.
Brand positioning and website realised by Think Brand